Updating Normal & Variation Staffed Hours

Setting Variation Staffed Hours

Add a variation hour event for a certain date(s), such as a holiday(s), or if you will be out for an event, or have to leave early/be closed due to the weather or when you're doing a special one day sale. Now those changes to your locations hours can be updated for just those days and you don't need to change your regular staffed hours. Once the date is passed the variation event will expire, you don't need to do anything to change the hours back to regular staffed hours.

Start with logging into your HelloGym account. 

From the Dashboard* navigate over to the menu bar on the left-hand side and select.

*Important: If you haven't finalized your facilities information in the Company Wizard it will already take you to that once you've logged in.\

Next Select the Location that has the change for the particular day/days in question. 

On the Left-hand side select the Variation-Hours Tab, then click the blue button that says + Add New Exception

Complete the Add Variation Hours Form.

Click Save and then add any additional variations

*Important: When choosing Open or Closed, closed indicates not staffed and open indicates staffed. The note that you add can be about the reason for the change. See the image below one of the Add Variation Hours of the save variations to show how it would be displayed.

At the top of the page after each variation is created notification will pop up saying "Day Exception has been saved."

Once all the needed variations are added click save at the bottom of the page. 

Image Note: 

In the above image, If you have never completed the company wizard set up before for your location(s), upon completion of each tab it will show a green checkmark as seen in the above picture. That will indicate that the page has been completed. Gray would show tabs that haven't been completed or tabs with information that hasn't been verified for a location. Any future updates done to completed pages will still need to have you click save at the bottom to ensure the information has been updated for your location(s).


If you have other additional information that is necessary in regards to the variation and scheduling for the day you can add those notes to the notes section found on the operations tab. 

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